All content on the website repanis.gr, such as indicative and non-binding, texts, graphics, trademarks, images (regardless of characteristics), digital files and software, is the exclusive property of NICOLAS REPANIS SA. or the content providers that collaborate with the website, and is protected by Greek and International copyright laws. Any indirect use of the website and its contents, for the benefit of another company, commercial or not, without the written consent of NICOLAS REPANIS SA is prohibited.
It is prohibited to copy, transfer or create a derivative work based on this content or mislead the public about the actual provider. Reproduction, republishing, uploading, announcement, dissemination or transmission or any other use of the content in any way or means for commercial or other purposes is permitted only with the prior written consent of NICOLAS REPANIS SA. or any other copyright holder. The names, images, logos and insignia listed and describing the online store under the trademark NICOLAS REPANIS SA or the products or services of NICOLAS REPANIS SA or third parties, are assets of NICOLAS REPANIS SA or third parties respectively, protected by the relevant trademark laws. Their use on the website in no case provides permission or right to use them by third parties.

License and Access to the Website
NICOLAS REPANIS SA provides a limited license to access and use the repanis.gr website, to communicate with the company. The visitors of repanis.gr reserve a limited, revocable, and non-exclusive right to create a hyperlink for the repanis.gr homepage on their website, as long as this hyperlink does not describe NICOLAS REPANIS SA, or its services in a false, misleading, derogatory or otherwise unpleasant manner. Any unauthorized use terminates the license or access granted by repanis.gr

Limitation of liability from the use of the Website
The repanis.gr website is provided by NICOLAS REPANIS SA "AS IS" and "AS IS AVAILABLE". Repanis.gr does not make any representation or authorization of any kind, expressed or implied for the information, content and material contained therein. For this reason, the users of the website agree to use it at their own risk. NICOLAS REPANIS SA does not guarantee that the repanis.gr website, the servers or the e-mails sent by repanis.gr do not contain viruses or other harmful elements. NICOLAS REPANIS SA is not responsible for any damages of any kind that may occur from the use of the website including, but not limited to, direct, indirect, incidental, incidental and consequential.

Right to Change Terms of Use
NICOLAS REPANIS SA reserves the right to make any changes to its commercial policy and Terms of Use at any time it deems necessary.

Applicable Law - Disputes
The visitors of the repanis.gr website automatically agree that the specific Terms of Use are subject to the Laws of the Greek State regarding any dispute that arises between the users and the repanis.gr website, and consequently of NICOLAS REPANIS SA. Any dispute that is related in any way to the use of the repanis.gr website or to the services provided through it, will first be attempted to be resolved out of court. In case such a solution is not reached, the disputes and related issues will be resolved in the competent Courts of Athens.